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Effiency Upgrade and System Maintenance Management of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System 2007

To continue the second year project of the “Efficiency Upgrade and System Maintenance Management of the Environmental Protection Penalty Follow-Up Management System” starting last year, in this year, the major task of this project is to develop newly addition of the function, reinforcing the system connection with each relevant department system, and promote system use. To avoid users repetitively build up auditing information in the system, Web-service data exchange is going on in the connection of the systems running by each independent department. Users key-in the data like inspection and enforcement citation in the EEMS, and then transfer the data back into the systems running by each department through data exchange mechanism. Meanwhile, the systems running by each department still continue their works like statistic analysis. In order to smoothly operate the data exchange mechanism, the Web-service programming like data sent-out is created by the project carrier while the data transfer-in is carried out by the systems themselves. The promotion of using this system includes the following tasks like training session holding, on-site training for local environmental protection bureau, the Bureau of Environmental Inspection and its other three subordinates (Northern Branch, Central Branch, and Southern Branch). Other training sessions for other relevant system use are also held, nearly there were 60 training sessions held. The project carriers also offer the telephone consulting service to make the users become more and quicker familiar with the system use. In this year, except the tasks mentioned above, the project carrier also completed other tasks like system function addition and adjustment based on the user demand. Each detailed task is described in each chapter in our project report
inspection, final decision, overdue payment, penalty,